Orient Express Lust in Train Narrow Margin Classic Porn

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anonymous | 2 subscribers
Luca Damiano created an effortless classic with "Orient eXpress", a lavishly staged porn comedy/adventure that destroys several myths. First, it demonstrates that in the proper hands shot-on-video can be as beautiful if not better than 35mm filming; and secondly it maintains the energy and arousal nature of sex scenes while creating interesting characters and storyline -you can have both. And a porn feature can be satisfying and enlightening without being pretentious or "artsy".

His idea is to have a centenary of the venerable rail line celebrated by passengers dressing up in fancy outfits. The Sidney Lumet Agatha Christie movie MURDER... is perhaps the template, but Luca's light-hearted, often quite amusing approach proves even more entertaining than that classic Paramount film.
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